Our Vision

We want to catch them young and then ignite their minds and fuel them with education for a lifetime. Who are they? They are your children, our students and the future citizens of a bright INDIA. Our Vision is to groom them in to responsible and cultured CITIZENS OF OUR NATION with a broad outlook and a strong foundation of human values. We are not looking at education alone but character building and overall development that will see them through life as independent and focused human beings. We believe that every child is born unique with unique talent and remarkable innate abilities and that every existence has a purpose. It is these hidden but unique qualities that we intend to unearth by providing them with a meaningful environment. Our vision is to enable every child to develop into a self confident individual and lead a life that has dignity and meaning in it. And this life, they shall create out of their own talent, abilities and values. It is our mission to raise them into successful, dignified Indians with a sense of responsibility towards their nation. It is our Quest to share this Vision with every living soul associated to us until every mind will resonate this exclusive purpose.
Why this name – Viveka Foundations?
The underlying principles of functioning of this institution will be based on Swami Vivekananda’s teaching and philosophy. “Viveka” of course has been borrowed from his name, but also because “Viveka” means “discernment”, the further tune of thought and experience that leads to “wisdom” which is beyond information and knowledge. “Foundations ” literally means “fundamentals” or “base” or “details” and that is exactly what we are aiming at – strengthening the fundamentals of every child and paying attention to details of grooming. Hence, the name Viveka Foundations.

Our Crest

Our Crest/Emblem is an explicit depiction of our Vision. The “Star” at the pinnacle is the Guiding Star that shall always remind us of our objective and shine bright showing us our way in the dark. The “Globe” surrounded by green represents our broad and universal outlook and an unquenchable thirst for growth. The “Cog” in the middle is to remind our students that even the smallest gear in a large machinery or mechanism is important for its smooth functioning. Similarly, every individual citizen is like a cog or a component in this large and unique machinery called INDIA. Hence, it is the duty of all INDIANS no matter where they are placed, to perform their duties with dignity, devotion and perfection to take our nation to great heights. It also represents progress. The “Diya” is the light and flame that shall kindle every heart and ignite every soul with a purpose much greater than the self.
The “Book” shall yield knowledge and understanding. The “Parchment” has the words “Yogya, Tapas, Suhrid” inscribed on it. These words have been borrowed from the BHAGAVAD GITA . It means that self-less work with devotion is the consummation of all disciplines. Simply put, every effort by everybody at Viveka Foundations will be an act of devotion and dedication done selflessly. Our six “Pillars” are the pillars of strength and virtue. Each virtue is represented by each letter of the word VIVEKA.
V – VALOUR (strength of mind and spirit that enables a person to encounter danger)
I - INTELLECT (the capacity for knowledge)
V- VIGOUR (energy, drive and enthusiasm)
E-ENDURANCE (ability to withstand hardship and adversity both mental and physical)
K-KINSHIP(asense of belonging, camaraderie)
A-AUSTERITY(simplicity and serenity)

Our Mission

The mission is to provide top quality affordable education to the students of varying backgrounds. It has students of various parts of HP State and other states of the country. Mission- We believe with our heart and soul content in the sayings of Swami Vivekanand that - “Education is the Manifestation of Perfection already in Man”.
To achieve this goal our dedicated Teachers have been trained to mentor and bring out the best in each child.
Our vision is to groom our students into Responsible and well informed citizens of India.
